
Registration ends 15 May 2014.

Registration fee / Frais d’inscription

  • Full fee before 30 APR 2014 / plein tarif avant le 30 avr 2014 = 175 euros
  • Reduced fee before 30 April 2014 (incl. students, participants who are not giving a paper, retirees etc.) / Tarif préférentiel avant le 30 avril 2014 (étudiants, retraités, participants qui ne font pas de communication) = 100 euros
  • Full fee between 1st and 15th May 2014 / plein tarif entre les 1er et 31 mai 2014 = 225 euros
  • Reduced fee between 1st and 15th May 2014 (incl. students, participants who are not giving a paper, retirees etc.)/ Tarif préférentiel entre le 1er et le 15 mai 2014 (étudiants, retraités, participants qui ne font pas de communication) = 150 euros
  • Important: If no fee is received by 15 May 2014 we regret that we cannot include your paper in the program / Si nous ne recevons pas vos frais d’inscription d’ici le 15 mai 2014, nous regrettons de ne pas pouvoir inclure votre communication dans le programme.
  • Please note that:
    • The FULL fee (175 EUR before 1st May, 225 EUR after 1st May) should apply to all persons who are presenting a paper and who are able to obtain funding to do so from their institution. This may therefore include PhD students as well as any full or part time academics who are able to obtain finance to attend conferences: I would ask those of you who are in this position to pay the full fee.
    • The REDUCED fee applies to all those who normally cannot get an allowance from an institution, and have to pay for themselves. This includes the unemployed, retired persons, non-contractual (unfunded) research students and all participants who are not giving a paper (companions, SFL), etc.

Please download the registration form here / téléchargez le formulaire d’inscription ici : .doc /.pdf.