Welcome to the 25th European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference
10-12 July, 2014 Université Paris Diderot, France
Hosted by The Centre for Linguistics, Interlanguage, Lexicology, English and Corpus Linguistics, Université Paris Diderot (CLILLAC-ARP, Centre de Linguistique Inter-langues, de Lexicologie, de Linguistique Anglaise et de Corpus et l’Atelier de Recherche sur la Parole).
With the support of the Department of Intercultural and Applied Language Studies, Université Paris Diderot (EILA, Etudes interculturelles et langues appliquées.).
A selection of papers on teaching have appeared as Systemic Functional Linguistics and English Language Teaching TESOL International Journal 2015, 10/1, edited by Anne McCabe, Chris Gledhill and Kevin Xinghua Liu. Available at : http://tesol-international-journal.com/category/journal-index/2015/ A selection of papers on change and diachrony is currently under way.
Submissions are now closed / les soumissions sont terminées !
Sponsored by: Région Ile de France, “Manifestations scientifiques”./
Action soutenue par la Région Ile-de-France